The SHN #33: Scalar Light, Biological Decoding, and Reading

Plus: Fat Burning, Good Vibes, and Dad's Sleep Habits

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

Nikola Tesla

Welcome back to The Synergetic Health Newsletter! 

In this edition, we’ll explore the potential of scalar light energy for health.

After that, a look into a therapeutic tool to address biological shocks.

Then comes some reading motivation!

Finally, I’ll include some links to things I’ve found particularly interesting recently.

Joe Burt

⚡️ Scalar Light Energy

A friend recently introduced me to Tom Paladino, who is known for his work with scalar waves and is often associated with scalar energy healing.

Scalar waves are non-physical, massless energies that can penetrate through any surface and are not subject to entropy. They differ from regular transverse electromagnetic waves (such as radio waves) in terms of their structure and behavior.

They are thought to exist in a higher-dimensional space beyond the electromagnetic spectrum. These waves have the potential to impact various aspects of health and energy, although their existence and application are still a topic of debate and skepticism within the scientific community.

According to proponents of scalar wave technology, scalar waves have various potential benefits for our health. Here are a few examples:

1. Enhanced Cellular Health: It is believed that scalar waves can help balance and optimize the body's energy system, leading to improved overall health and wellbeing. Some claims suggest that scalar waves can support immune function, reduce inflammation, and promote cellular regeneration.

2. Increased Energy and Vitality: Scalar waves are said to have the ability to increase energy levels and promote a sense of vitality. By enhancing the flow of energy in the body, scalar waves may help combat fatigue and boost overall vitality and mental clarity.

3. Reduction of Stress: Scalar waves are believed to have a calming effect on the body and mind. It is suggested that exposure to scalar waves can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality.

4. Potential Healing Properties: Scalar waves are hypothesized to have the ability to transmit information and energy at a quantum level. This has led to claims that scalar wave technology can assist in the healing process by transmitting specific frequencies and information to target areas of the body.

Paladino is a leading researcher in the scalar light world and offers a quantum healing service that claims to detect and cleanse pathogens from your body and whose clients report deeper sleep, improved mental clarity, increased energy and vitality, improvement in skin conditions, decreased inflammation, and more.

Receiving scalar light healing from Paladino, who offers a free 15-day trial here, is done in five simple steps and all that is required from you is a photograph of yourself.

Just based off that one photo, Paladino claims that he can transmit scalar energy to you to balance your energy centers, disassemble health-robbing substances, and assemble micro-nutrients.

All the science and potential impacts of this unique energy is discussed in this podcast, "What Are Scalar Waves and Why Are They The Future of Health?"

You can also go here to read a ton of articles that describe scalar light and its manifold health benefits.

I recently completed the free trial and I did feel good during that time, although it can be hard to tease out if that was because of this service or because of anything else I was doing. Either way, I love progressive research and believe there is absolutely something here that deserves consideration and additional study.

Scalar energy, first popularized by Nikola Tesla, brings a new delivery method to the table and could offer a revolutionary approach to healthcare.

To be clear, there is not widespread acceptance of this technology. That doesn’t bother me, as I’ve seen various non-physical health interventions work just as well, if not better, than physical interventions. This fits into that box and I’m looking forward to more research being done.

If you decide to try the 15-day free trial, I’d be curious to hear if you notice any benefits.

Additional Reading

⚕️ Biological Decoding

“Biological Decoding is a supportive emotional therapy that allows us to see how we experienced the problems that have arisen in our path through the symptoms that we express, our mental blocks and/or the physical limitations in our life.”

After my discovery of German New Medicine, I sought to find modalities that could help address the biological shocks that could lead to illness and chronic disease. The first one I found was Biological Decoding, which evolved out of Total Biology by Dr. Claude Sabbah.

My introduction to the subject was through an excellent book “The Art of Listening to the Body” by Angeles Wolder Helling, who went on to write a 6-book series on the subject.

You can read all my highlights from the book here.

“Biological Decoding is about learning to speak the language of the body. Each symptom is a word in this language and has a function. According to the function that the symptom is fulfilling, biological decoding practitioners guide the person through their life experiences to find out when the symptom appeared as a solution to a problem experienced by the organism.

It is important to understand that emotions that are not properly processed or expressed, or that are repressed, will generate a considerable amount of stress inside our organism.”

Based on Dr. Hamer’s Five Biological Laws, discussed in this newsletter, practitioners of Biological Decoding offer “holistic emotional therapy that respects the rhythm of each person and their particular needs.”

They work off the premise that illness emerges as a response crafted by our body in moments of significant life events. In contrast, traditional medicine seeks a specific cause for the illness, assuming that eliminating causal factors and treating symptoms should result in the disappearance of the ailment.

Emotional states, such as bad moods or despair, can affect our health. When we experience conflicts, our brain perceives them as stress-inducing situations, leading to physical symptoms. These symptoms vary based on how we interpret and experience the underlying stress.

Understanding this connection enables us to release stress and restore well-being. Achieving optimal health begins with listening to our body and aligning our life with our desires. Biological Decoding aims to grasp these connections for the purpose of healing.

For a quick overview of the system, check this out. Unfortunately there isn’t a governing body or a easy-to-access list of practitioners that I could find, so you’ll have to do some digging around if you want to talk to someone who specializes in it.

I’m also in the process of finding out more ways to address these “biological shocks” found by Dr. Hamer to be disease-causing. Stay tuned.

In his recently released book, Hutchinson talks about how replacing 15 minutes of social media scrolling in the morning and 15 minutes of Netflix binging in the evening can help you read 30 books in a year.

15 minutes of reading = 10 pages

10 pages in the morning + 10 pages in the evening = 20 pages a day

20 pages x 5 days a week = 100 pages per week

100 pages per week x 52 weeks = 5,200 pages a year

5,200 pages ÷ 250 pages per book = 20 finishing books a year

Adding 30 minutes each weekend day will get you to 30 books a year.

The second part of Hutchinson’s book tagline, “Applying What You Learn”, is where I often times fail. Like I mentioned in my podcast newsletter, I can default into more consumption rather than practicing what I’ve already learned.

You can think of personal development books like cookbooks. Reading one won’t magically improve your life—just like reading a cookbook won't cook your dinner. You've got to get your hands dirty.

Reading and doing are not the same. When consuming a ton of self-help or instructional books, you must make time to work with the new information you’ve acquired, or else you chance losing the time investment you made in the reading in the first place.

🗽 Freedom Is Living Your Life on Your Own Terms

When you have the ability to choose how to live your life, what to do every day, spend time with who you want to spend time with, explore what you want to explore, you are free.

If someone else tells you what to do, how to dress, where to be, you are not free.

True freedom is the liberation of your spirit from the clutches of external control.

It is the presence of choice.

𝕏 Thread of the Week:

🤝 How to Make Friends as an Adult: I loved this post in a recent newsletter by Calvin Rosser, “Life Reimagined.” Some of his advice to make friends as an adult include: “don’t be a hermit”, “don’t be dull”, “park your ego at home”, “get curious”, “avoid lukewarm connections”, and “don’t fret about bad impressions.”

🤙 Good Vibes are Contagious: This article does a great job discussing some of the studies that show how other people’s emotions affect us. For example, sitting within 25 feet of a high performer at work improved an employee’s performance by 15 percent. But sitting within 25 feet of a low performer hurt their performance by 30 percent. Studies have shown that pain, happiness, sadness, and motivation are all contagious to a degree.

⏰ Parental Circadian Rhythm Effects Metabolic Health in Offspring: Continuing with the theme of circadian health, this study showed that Dad’s circadian rhythm at conception has an impact on the metabolic health of his offspring. So it behooves a couple trying to conceive to adopt a health circadian rhythm prior to conceiving. You can find ways to do this in almost all of my past newsletters.

“Circadian rhythm synchronizes each body function with the environment and regulates physiology. Disruption of normal circadian rhythm alters organismal physiology and increases disease risk. Recent epidemiological data and studies in model organisms have shown that maternal circadian disruption is important for offspring health and adult phenotypes. Less is known about the role of paternal circadian rhythm for offspring health. Here, we disrupted circadian rhythm in male mice by night-restricted feeding and showed that paternal circadian disruption at conception is important for offspring feeding behavior, metabolic health, and oscillatory transcription. Mechanistically, our data suggest that the effect of paternal circadian disruption is not transferred to the offspring via the germ cells but initiated by corticosterone-based parental communication at conception and programmed during in utero development through a state of fetal growth restriction. These findings indicate paternal circadian health at conception as a newly identified determinant of offspring phenotypes.”

🍸 Fuel Choice: Mitochondrial Context and the Healthfulness of Mimosas: This long article discusses two reasons glucose is a better fuel than fat. It also then talks about how alcohol can be an unexpected sidekick with a similar energy-sharing style. The theory is that when alcohol is ingested, it gives our system a break from the intense glucose routine and helps to manage insulin levels. There’s always two sides to the story!

🧠 Don’t believe the first thing that comes into your mind (Tweet)

👓 All about blue light blocking glasses (Video)

💬 You are never upset for the reason you think (Tweet)

🎙️ I recently discovered and am a big fan of The Cosmic Matrix Podcast (Tweet)

👤 Self-unfoldment instead of self-improvement (Tweet)

📅 My Scheduling Page: Go here to book a 15-minute free call to chat about my awareness coaching and energy healing services.

✔️ That will do it for this time! Hopefully you got some value out of it. If you have any questions/comments/things you’d like to learn more about please don’t hesitate to reach out.

🔗 If you know anyone who loves learning about these types of topics, send them this link!

📰 To read all past newsletters, go here.