The SHN #24: All About German New Medicine

A New Way to Look at Disease

"Diseases are not contagious. The only thing that's contagious is ignorance."

-Dr. Ryke Hamer

Welcome back to The Synergetic Health Newsletter! 

Today, it’s all about German New Medicine.

I’ll also include some links to things I’ve found interesting lately.

Joe Burt

Deep Dive: German New Medicine

My newest fascination is with German New Medicine (GNM) and its offspring, namely Biological Decoding. GNM is a medical theory that resonates intuitively with my exploration of the emotional, psychological, and spiritual roots of disease, pain, and overall human suffering.

GNM proposes a radical idea: diseases are not random but rather meaningful responses to specific biological shocks. In this blog post, we'll learn about the visionary founder, the core principles of GNM, its Five Biological Laws, my personal experiences, and more.

Meet The Founder

Born in 1935, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer explored medicine, physics, and theology, and became a specialist in internal medicine by 1972. His early career was marked by inventions like the Hamer scalpel and a specialized bone saw. Dreaming of financial independence through patented innovations, he aimed to establish a clinic in Naples, Italy, offering free services to the underprivileged. However, tragedy struck in 1978 when his son Dirk succumbed to a gunshot wound during a Corsica boat trip.

The loss catalyzed Hamer's own battle with testicular cancer, leading to a revelation about the potential link between emotional trauma and illness. Investigating this notion, he discovered a pattern among cancer patients in Munich—each had experienced a deeply shocking event before falling ill. Despite facing resistance from the medical establishment, Hamer persisted, formulating the "Iron Rule of Cancer," the first of his Five Biological Laws of Nature.

His once-celebrated career took a turn in 1986 when his physician's license was revoked for refusing to abandon his revolutionary ideas. Undeterred, Hamer continued his research, facing imprisonment twice and surviving three assassination attempts. Even as he presented his findings to the University of Tübingen, rejection persisted, with an in-house counsel acknowledging the validity of Hamer's work but only behind closed doors.

Dr. Hamer died on July 2nd, 2017 while living in exile in Norway. His legacy lives on, challenging established medical norms and sparking conversations about the intricate connections between the psyche, the brain, and the body.

GNM firmly asserts that diseases are not glitches but purposeful reactions to biological conflicts in one’s life or the life of their ancestors.

These conflicts run the gamut of life experience, like sudden job loss, unexpected death, being physically assaulted on the street, feeling abandoned by your mother, having insecurity around your financial condition, unanticipated separation, being bit by a dog as a young child, and so much more.

"All medical research, past and present, has been based on a complete misunderstanding of the nature of diseases."

Dr. Hamer

The Five Biological Laws:

1) Law of the Iron Hammer (Dirk Hamer Syndrome): Every disease originates from a specific psychological shock, triggering a corresponding physical response.

In straightforward terms, "diseases" originate from unresolved events or situations, reflecting across the three levels of psyche-brain-organ. Minor disharmonies lead to "minor diseases," while significant shocks result in "major diseases."

Diseases are neurologically programmed responses to sudden, unanticipated shocks which trigger our primitive survival mechanisms. They are an attempt by the body to help us adapt to a traumatic event.

2) Law of Two-Phase Development: Diseases unfold in two phases - conflict-active and healing - each marked by distinct nervous system dominance.

During the “shock phase” (starting with the biological conflict), individuals exhibit symptoms like coldness, insomnia, loss of appetite, and heightened stress. They often are constantly thinking about the conflict (the job loss, the trauma, the death, the divorce, etc), which keeps this phase going.

Upon resolution, their bodies begin the “healing phase”, transitioning to warmth, a restored appetite, and restful sleep, accompanied by a mental relief from constant strain and a profound sense of fatigue. This phase begins when you “solve” the original conflict— end the relationship, find a new job, make peace with the divorce, etc.

Essentially, this shift marked a move from the stressed, sympathetic state of the nervous system to the relaxed, restorative phase governed by the parasympathetic nervous system.

It is during this repair phase that conventional medicine finds their “diseases”, which GNM posits are actually just remarkable, life-saving interventions on behalf of the body. For example, tumors are often found only once the person is already in the healing phase, but are interpreted by doctors as “new” diseases.

Law 2 in picture form, note the “healing crisis” in repair phase

What Happens When a Person Fails to Resolve the Conflict?

First, prolonged stress can lead to death, not directly from the disease but due to the severe physical decline in a deeply shocked state. This process, termed cachexia or wasting away, is intensified by treatments ignoring the emotional roots.

Second, individuals may downplay and endure the unresolved trauma. On the cerebral level, the lesion rings (physical reaction in brain) linked to the trauma persist over time.

Third, unresolved conflicts may result in hanging healing, with repeated attempts to regain equilibrium, often misdiagnosed as diseases like migraine headaches, arthritis, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis.

The healing symptom can trigger the conflict again, as seen in arthritis initiated by the resolution of a devaluation. The pain location indicates the type of devaluation, misdiagnosed as a disease, impairing task performance and reigniting the devaluation cycle.

What Can Happen With a Severe Self-Devaluation Conflict (affecting the bones)

3) Ontogenetic System of Tumors and Cancer Equivalent Diseases: Tumors and cancer follow a specific biological program, responding to the nature of the conflict.

This third law, anchored in embryology, is all about the connection between the pysche, brain, and organs. If interested, here you can read about the law and accompanying science.

4) Law of the Ontogenetic System of Microbes: Microbes play a crucial role in breaking down and eliminating cell proliferation during the healing phase.

This natural law states that fungi, bacteria, and viruses are indispensable aids and fulfill defined tasks, rather than cause disease. According to GNM, they “put out fires” and promote healing. For more on this, this book (free PDF) is an excellent resource.

5) Law of the Ontogenetic System of the New Mesoderm: This law links developmental layers to specific tissue responses during healing.

The fifth law states that what we have come to fear as “disease” is actually a “special biological program” (SBP) of nature designed to strengthen the individual and the species—once the individual has gone through the entire cycle of shock, resolution, repair and return to normal.

“Disease is not a meaningless "error" of nature or biology but a special program created by nature over millions of years of evolution to allow organisms to override everyday functioning and to deal with particular emergency situations; they are wonderful programs and, if understood correctly, provide the individual and the group with a way to deal with "out of the ordinary" circumstances.” -Dr. Katherine Willow

Special Study: A Cancer Diagnosis Shock

Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world, a feared word that has caused an incredible amount of human suffering.

Here is how Dr. Willow describes receiving a cancer diagnosis:

“One of the most common situations GNM describes is shock from a cancer diagnosis, especially when it has a poor prognosis and when the doctor gives the news in an untactful manner. The person may fear they are going to die, be disfigured or disabled. This immediately triggers a new brain lesion and tissue response*. Some typical results of these intense reactions include lung tumors (fear of death), bone cancer (deep self-devaluation), and kidney failure (fear of loss of existence and/or isolation).

*There’s more to this but basically a biological shock causes a brain lesion in a corresponding part of the brain and also a response in an associated tissue/organ, according to GNM.

To highlight this, consider a study done comparing women with breast cancer to dachshund dogs with the same condition. Initially, none of the dogs and only 2% of women had lung tumors. After four months, 40% of women, but no dogs, developed lung tumors. The key? Dogs didn't comprehend their "illness," while many women, driven by fear, anticipated the worst. This showcases the intricate interplay between psyche, emotions, and physical responses as outlined by GNM.

GNM believes cancer is part of the intelligent design of nature to heal from conflicts and should be viewed as such. There is much more detail to the issue illustrated by Dr. Hamer but the jist is that some tumors grow during the healing phase as part of a repair process and others grow during conflict activity as a natural response in the battle of survival.

Knowing the difference and how to treat each can potentially transform the way we deal with cancer.

I recommend checking out Dr. Willow’s book, “German New Medicine: Experiences in Practice”, if you’d like to learn more.

"Diseases are the conflict resolution programs of nature, not random events."

Dr. Hamer

How Can We Implement GNM?

If we grasp the principles of GNM and change our perspective towards symptoms, we can proactively deter the development of "diseases" by addressing shocks promptly, reduce their duration if we do experience "sickness," and sidestep numerous invasive treatments often used to obstruct nature's inherent processes.

GNM demands a shift from seeing diseases as isolated incidents to understanding their roots in conflicts. This approach offers a fresh perspective on healthcare:

Prevention Through Emotional Well-being: GNM advocates addressing biological conflicts promptly to prevent diseases. Fostering emotional well-being becomes a proactive measure. Successfully letting go the conflict can trigger the healing phase to begin.

Minimizing Invasive Treatments: By targeting the root cause (the initial conflict), GNM suggests invasive treatments may be unnecessary in many cases, reducing the burden on patients and healthcare systems.

Integration with Conventional Medicine: While challenging conventional norms, GNM's holistic approach could complement existing treatments, providing a more patient-centered approach.

GNM faces skepticism within the medical community and rigorous scientific scrutiny and open-minded exploration are crucial to determine its validity. But dismissing the theories out of hand are doing a disservice to humanity, who are dealing with a wide range of diseases that may be assisted by the findings of GNM.

Some Personal Experiences

As I write this post, I’ve been aware of GNM for about a week. Like with many things that immediately grab my attention, I have been obsessed with reading everything I can find.

During this process, there have already been three standout examples that prove to me that GNM is valid:

1) A friend reached out to me asking if I knew anything about why he has swollen lymph nodes in his neck. As this was two days into learning about GNM, I consulted the knowledge base and found that swollen lymph nodes are the symptoms of the healing phase of an intellectual self-devaluation conflict (fear of failing, having made a mistake, “I am not smart enough”, etc).

So I asked him, “In the days before you noticed your lymph nodes, did you heal an intellectual self-devaluation conflict?”

Well, the day before they appeared, he filed paperwork closing a business he operated for 14 years, ending a period of a prolonged, stressful, intellectual conflict.

2) During a Spanish lesson with an Argentinian teacher, she complained of having a cold. I asked her if she by chance “healed” from some conflict the day before. As it turns out, she had been receiving pressure from her friends for the past week regarding a potential trip to the States, which she likely couldn’t attend because of work commitments.

She was stressed and ruminating on the decision all week, a “conflict” phase. The day before our class she told her friends she will not be going, ending the conflict phase and allowing the healing phase to begin, which manifested in the symptoms of a cold.

According to GNM, a cold is the healing phase of a scent or stink conflict. You can read in more detail here, it’s fascinating.

3) On my flight and drive into Cancun, I was immersed in reading all about GNM. I even came across the fact that just learning about this way of looking at the psyche/brain/organs could trigger a healing phase. I also did a few of the self-healing practices that I found in the book, “The Psychic Roots of Disease.”

The very next day I woke with a sore on my tongue and had to use the bathroom like 20 times in the first 4-5 hours after waking. This frequent urination is a common feature of the healing phase and has to do with the removal of retained water that was being used for a biological conflict.

The age-old survival mechanism of retaining water is discussed in great detail in this blog post.

In Summary

It is a bit challenging to try to introduce something which directly contradicts how almost every person thinks about disease. I think we can all at least agree, however, that stressful events and/or chronic stress conditions are unhealthy for an individual.

When you learn more about the five biological laws and how they manifest from conflict to healing, you see just how comprehensive and well-studied this system is.

At the very least, knowing that disease may be caused by a sudden shock you experienced and that symptoms may be actually a sign that you are healing from said shock could change the way you handle corresponding life situations.

I encourage you to check out any of the resources linked in this post as well as spend some time thinking if this new way to look at diseases/symptoms resonates with you and your experiences.

In addition to those resources, here are some links to understanding a few specific diseases in the context of GNM:

"Every disease is a unique, meaningful, and purposeful biological special program created by nature to solve a specific problem."

-Dr. Hamer

𝕏 Thread of the Week

🍳 Maybe Breakfast IS the Most Important Meal of the Day?: This study found that people who ate breakfast before 8am had a 59% lower risk of type 2 diabetes than those eating after 9am. Eating early facilitates a healthy circadian rhythm which will keep your body running most optimally.

🌴 Any Excuse to Eat Dates is a Good Excuse: This 2023 mouse study showed a significant anxiolytic effect by ingestion of a low dose (300 mg/kg) of an extract of Medjool dates as compared to untreated mice. The low dose was shown to be as anxiolytic as Prozac/Valium in mice. I love dates.

✔️ That will do it for this time! Hopefully you got some value out of it. If you have any questions/comments/things you’d like to learn more about please don’t hesitate to reach out.

🔗 If you know anyone who loves learning about these types of topics, send them this link!

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