The SHN #53: Free E-Book, The Poisoning of America, and EMF's

Plus: Childhood Stress, Melanoma, and SSRI's

In healthcare, it's the more we spend, the worst things get.

Calley Means

Welcome back to The Synergetic Health Newsletter! 

In this edition, we’ll explore how terrible Big-Pharma and Big-Food really are.

After that, more discussion about EMF’s.

Then comes the usual rapid fire of studies and links to things I’ve found particularly interesting recently.

Joe Burt

📚 Read My Self-Development E-Book For Free

Follow this link to check it out— there is a ton of info in there with a big focus on providing specific practices that you can try.

The e-book offers a crafted framework that integrates philosophical inquiry, nature reconnection, shadow work, embodiment practices, and creative expression.

Unlike many self-help resources that focus solely on external behaviors or short-term results, this guide recognizes that true change arises from a fundamental shift in our relationship with ourselves, others, and the world around us.

💊 The Poisoning of America: How Big Pharma and Big Food are Destroying Our Health

In a recent podcast Aubrey Marcus interviewed Calley Means, co-author of “Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health”, discussing the alarming state of health in America and the role that big pharmaceutical companies and the food industry play in perpetuating the crisis. The conversation shed light on the systematic poisoning of the American people, particularly children, and the urgent need for decisive action to change the incentives that drive this destructive cycle.

Means, who has worked in both the pharmaceutical and food industries, explained that the healthcare industry, the largest and fastest-growing industry in the country, is fueled by the imperative for people to become sicker. Chronic disease, he argues, is the greatest profit-maximizing invention in human history, as it generates recurring revenue without immediate death. The raw economic fact is that these industries are poisoning the population at scale, with 50% of young adults now overweight or obese, 25% of teens suffering from fatty liver disease, and 33% of young adults having pre-diabetes.

The siloing of chronic conditions and the lack of curiosity about their interconnectedness is the biggest issue facing the country, according to Means. Doctors are trained to focus on specific parts of the body, rather than treating the patient holistically. This approach, which was systematically put into effect by John D. Rockefeller in 1909, has led to a system where 95% of healthcare costs and 9 out of 10 deaths in America are tied to food-borne illnesses and metabolic conditions.

LOL to that tiny sliver for “Clinical Trials” *

*Sourced from Pew Charitable Trusts, “In 2012, the pharmaceutical industry spent more than $27 billion on drug promotion— more than $24 billion on marketing to physicians and over $3 billion on advertising to consumers (mainly through television commercials). This approach is designed to promote drug companies' products by influencing doctors' prescribing practices.”

The healthcare industry's influence extends far beyond the medical field, as it is the largest funder of mainstream media, politicians, medical research, and even civil rights groups. The pharmaceutical and healthcare industry spends five times more on direct political donations and lobbying than the oil industry, effectively capturing both media and politics. This has resulted in a lack of information and action on the root causes of the health crisis.

He also highlights the spiritual crisis that comes with being disconnected from our soil, food, and core metabolic habits, something I believe remains overlooked by those looking to live a healthy lifestyle.

We are poisoning our kids at scale, it's just that simple. I believe it's almost genocidal, and we're going to become a non-competitive, infertile country.

Calley Means

As an avenue for healing this spiritual crisis, Means advocates for the encouragement and availability of therapeutic psychedelics for any American who feels called to use them. He argues that psychedelics can help individuals process trauma, gain a new perspective on life, and ultimately lead to a resurgence of the country.

The conversation concluded with a call to action, emphasizing the need for both bottom-up empowerment and top-down leadership to address the health crisis. Means expressed optimism about the potential for change, citing the growing awareness and rebellion against the failing institutions. However, he stressed that decisive action is needed to stop the poisoning of the American people and attack the incentives that drive the sickness industry.

In the end, the message is clear: the health of the nation is at stake, and it is time for Americans to wake up, demand change, and take control of their own health and well-being.

Watch Means appear in other media interviews, checkout his company TrueMed, and read his “5 Simple Policies to Transform American Health.

🧲 The Hidden Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

Jack Kruse wrote a detailed blog post with over 50 citations highlighting the plethora of health issues stemming from EMF exposure.

Here are 15 biological effects he wrote about:

  1. Altered chronobiology leading to stress response

  2. CNS direct effects showing slowing of molecular actions and reaction speeds.

  3. Poor short term memory, headaches, and altered sleep

  4. Poor exploration of the local environment, motivation waning

  5. Altered EEG readings consistent with a general anesthesia pattern

  6. Permeable BBB and gut, with increased glucose metabolism

  7. Increase in tumorgenesis due to fragility of RNA and DNA directly

  8. Russians repeatedly showed low dose microwaves directly caused hypothalamic damage.

  9. Increase excitability at neuronal synapses

  10. Microwaves disrupt electron chain transport in mitochondria of rat brain.

  11. Pulsed EMF’s at lower frequencies directly inhibit firing rates of neurons

  12. Depression and suicide rate correlating with EMF power lines above and below ground

  13. Raised RBC’s WBC’s, Platelets, Hemoglobin, and HCT

  14. Leptin resistance and altered hormone panels. Sex steroids, Vitamin D, melatonin, IGF and PRL levels altered.

  15. Immune disruption leading to over active, under active, and autoimmune conditions.

Also in his article Kruse writes about a body of research, largely conducted by Russian scientists during the Cold War era, suggesting that the non-thermal effects of EMFs may pose significant risks to our health.

While most safety standards, such as the Schwan guidelines, only consider the thermal effects of EMFs, it is the non-thermal effects that may be the most concerning. Russian studies have shown that even low doses of EMFs can cause a range of biological disruptions, leading to various health problems. These include the "microwave sickness" syndrome, characterized by symptoms like headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive impairment.

Perhaps one of the most striking examples of the harmful effects of non-thermal EMFs is the Soviet irradiation of the U.S. embassy in Moscow from 1962 to 1979. Using microwaves at levels well below the Schwan guidelines, the Soviets aimed to demonstrate the potential dangers of EMF exposure. Disturbingly, many embassy staff members developed serious health issues, including rare cancers, during and after their time in Moscow.

Numerous studies have looked into the mechanisms by which EMFs can harm our health. Research has shown that EMFs can alter brain function, increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, disrupt mitochondrial function, and lead to hormonal imbalances and immune system disruption. Some studies have even linked EMF exposure to an increased risk of cancer.

Despite these alarming findings, the telecommunications industry and governments have been slow to acknowledge the potential risks of EMFs. Much like the tobacco industry's tactics in downplaying the dangers of smoking, there appears to be a concerted effort to protect economic interests by minimizing public awareness and concern about EMF exposure.

Kruse argues that the pervasive exposure to EMFs in modern life may be a significant contributor to the growing prevalence of chronic health problems, or what he refers to as "neolithic diseases."

To address this issue, we must first acknowledge the importance of understanding the quantum effects of EMFs on biological systems. By recognizing that the current safety standards are inadequate and that the non-thermal effects of EMFs can have deleterious impacts on our health, we can begin to take steps to mitigate our exposure and protect ourselves and future generations.

This may involve reassessing our relationship with technology, investing in EMF-mitigating devices, and demanding more research and transparency from the telecommunications industry and our governments.

This isn’t the first and will not be the last time I bring up the issue of EMF’s as it relates to the health of biological systems. While fearing new technology will only make the situation worse, it is worth investigating measures you can take to reduce your exposure.

Some of those measures can be found in a recent newsletter and also more can be found in this post by Ben Greenfield.

It’s important to note that there are plenty of scammers out there that profit from fear-mongering in regards to this issue. EMF-blocking items, clothing, and devices are sold, at sometimes insane prices, to “protect” you.

If you have tons of money to try these products, sure go for it. If you are looking for no to low-cost ways to mitigate your risks— making behavior changes to limit exposure is the 80/20 way to “protect” yourself.

𝕏 Thread of the Week

The closest thing I’ve had to an existential crisis recently stems from my extreme deep dive into the validity of the germ theory of disease, contagion, and virology.

As you are likely aware, nearly everyone believes this is “settled science”, that of course germs cause disease.

Unfortunately, with my current understanding, I can’t in good conscience say that this is undoubtedly true. Despite my agonizing search for JUST ONE study that proves sick fluids from one human causes disease in another person, there is NONE to be found.

This should be so ridiculously simple to do and prove— but it has never been done— which is beyond insane to me.

On the contrary, there have been tons of science which has actually proved the exact opposite, see below:

Now, if I had to go out on a limb and guess— there definitely may be something that is being transmitted person-to-person which is getting them sick. But that something (IMO) is up for debate.

👦🏼 Childhood Stress Causes Muscle Dysfunction in Adulthood: Researchers found that individuals who experienced adverse events during childhood, such as parental substance abuse, emotional or physical abuse, or parental absence, had lower ATP production in their skeletal muscle cells later in life. ATP, produced by mitochondria, is essential for cellular function and is closely related to physical abilities in older adults.

The study examined muscle biopsies and used questionnaires to assess childhood adversity. About 45% of participants reported experiencing one or more adverse events. Both men and women who reported such events had poorer ATP max production compared to those with fewer or no adverse experiences. The impact on ATP production was dose-dependent, meaning that each additional adverse event had a cumulative negative effect.

What may be behind this association is chronic HPA axis activation and elevated cortisol levels due to the childhood stress. This could reduce thyroid function and, consequently, inhibit oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis. Georgi Dinkov, who reviewed the study, proposes that treatments targeting thyroid function, cortisol levels, or mitochondrial function, such as aspirin, pregnenolone, vitamin K, or emodin, may help restore proper muscle function in affected individuals.

🪟 Increased UVA Exposure Mixed With Lowered Vit D Levels Can Increase Melanoma Risk: What this means is that people working inside with windows (depending on the coatings) will receive much more UVA than UVB, which decreases the amount of Vitamin D you can make. “A paradox exists between indoor and outdoor workers because indoor workers get three to nine times less solar UV light (290–400 nm) exposure than outdoor workers get, yet only indoor workers have an increasing incidence of melanoma.”

This is the study that proposes that “increased UVA exposures and inadequately maintained cutaneous levels of vitamin D(3) promotes CMM (cutaneous malignant melanoma).” If you must work inside most of the day, either take frequent breaks outside or open some windows.

💊 SSRI’s Can Cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A recent study on mice suggests that certain antidepressants, called SSRIs, may trigger chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) by causing high levels of serotonin in the brain. After four weeks of treatment with fluoxetine (an SSRI), the mice developed symptoms similar to those seen in humans with CFS, such as unrefreshing sleep and fatigue after exercise. Reducing serotonin production in the mice helped relieve these symptoms. The study indicates that excessive serotonin in the brain may play a role in causing CFS and could potentially be used to distinguish CFS from other conditions with similar symptoms.

🔗 One Hitters

🌍 The frequency of magnetic field that kills cancer experimentally is approximately the same frequency produced by the Earth (Tweet)

⚓ Reminder to use Sue Morter’s simple anchoring and central channel breathing exercises (Link)

🍌 “Food is a reflection of our light energy in our environment. This is why eating a banana in New York City creates a mitochondrial mismatch. Your light environment says one thing, while the bananas light energy says another!” (Tweet)

✔️ That will do it for this time! Hopefully you got some value out of it. If you have any questions/comments/things you’d like to learn more about please don’t hesitate to reach out.

🔗 If you know anyone who loves learning about these types of topics, send them this link!

📰 To read all past newsletters, go here.

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