The SHN #41: HD Projectors, The Go-Giver, Memes, and Controversy

Plus: Minerals, Pharma, Earthing, and More!

The most successful people in the world look for ways to help others.

From “The Go-Giver”

Welcome back to The Synergetic Health Newsletter!

A lot is packed in today’s edition. I write about Human Design Projectors, the short business book “The Go-Giver, the “American Dream”, coconut oil, grounding, health controversies, and much more!

📽️ Human Design Projectors

In the Human Design self-discovery system, which I wrote about already, I am a “projector” type.

This post isn’t just for projectors, though.

It’s also for anyone who has a friend, family member, co-worker, or acquaintance in your life who happens to be one.

You see, projectors are a bit misunderstood.

We account for ~20% of the population but continue to get treated like the other 80%.

Meaning— people want us to work hard, to get the job done, to participate in the hustle culture we’ve all grown up in.

The problem is— we can’t. Or if we do, we suffer and burn out.

No. Instead we are meant to be the people who guide the energies of others.

Think coachers, healers, psychologists, counselors, teachers, etc.

We projectors have a natural inclination to guide and direct others rather than engage in the same level of physical activity as the energy types (generators and manifesting generators).

Traditional ideas of work are rejected as we prefer to focus on learning and observing instead.

Here is what Ra, the founder of Human Design, has to say:

“Projectors possess a natural ability to observe, understand, and guide others. Projectors have a deeply empathetic and perceptive aura that allows them to read the energy of the people around them. They are masters at recognizing the potential and strengths in others, helping them find their true path and purpose. Projectors thrive in one-on-one interactions, where they can share their wisdom and insights. They bring a deep insight and guidance that can lead to profound transformation and growth. If you encounter a projector in your life, consider yourself lucky, as they have the ability to truly see and unlock your hidden potential."

Ra goes on to say that projectors have:

….a deep longing for truth within themselves
….a dedicated journey to master their world, to gain awareness, and to grasp the true potential of themselves and others
….no interest in superficial interactions or shallow connections
….a drive to uncover the truth and live authentically
….the ability to see through the conditioning and the masks people wear
….an inherent gift for understanding and grasping the truth
….a vital role to play in guiding others towards their own truth and potential

Does this sound like you or anyone you know? There’s a good chance it’s because you or they are a projector!

It is a blessing for me to be at peace with not being the guy who’s out there hustle-n-grindin’ everyday.

It also makes sense why I love to learn 1,000x more than I love to work.

I have no idea what it feels like to be you [a projector]… it’s very important to know how different you are from the majority you live amongst.

Ra Uru Hu, Founder of Human Design

If you still don’t know your Human Design type and are curious, you can get your chart here.

It would also be helpful to find out the types of those closest to you. If one of these people is a projector, it would be good to know that.

Just make sure to not ask them to do any manual labor and let them be alone when they want to be 🙂 

Quick Look At Other Human Design Types

There are the Manifestors, making up 9% of the population, who are initiators and catalysts who are here to inform others before taking action. Their strategy is to inform before acting.

Then there are Generators, which comprise the majority of the population at 70%. They are the builders and work force of the world, here to respond to life and find satisfaction. Their strategy is to respond, not initiate.

A subset of Generators, called Manifesting Generators (33% of Generators), possess a combination of Manifestor and Generator energy. They are also here to respond and find satisfaction, but with a faster pace, and their strategy is to respond, inform, and take action.

Lastly, Reflectors, the rarest type at only 1% of the population, are the evaluators and judges. They are here to reflect and sample the energy of others, and their strategy is to wait a lunar cycle (28 days) before making major decisions.

Investigate Further

-If you are projector struggling to market yourself, check out these notes

-Read my notes on the book “Becoming an Empowered Projector”

-Listen to Ra Uru Hu talk about projectors before his passing

-Visit the Jovian Archive to learn about all things Human Design

Projectors are like lighthouses that guide others to their highest potential.

Evelyn Levenson

📚 The Go-Giver

I loved this short business read.

Here are the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success from the excellent book "The Go-Giver":

1) The Law of Value: Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.

Does it serve? Does it add value to others?

This is the crux of the first law. To give, give, give. Not as a strategy, but because you love to. Giving is a way of life.

2) The Law of Compensation: Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.

This law talks about how your compensation is directly proportional to how many lives you impact.

If you desire more success, then you must find a way to serve more people.

3) The Law of Influence: Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.

Forget win-win. That is the essence of the third law. Focus on the other person’s win exclusively, and this will attract abundance back to you, magnetically.

4) The Law of Authenticity: The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.

This law says that no matter what you think you’re selling, what you’re really offering is you. If you’re trying to be someone else or acting out a part, you have no chance of truly reaching people.

5) The Law of Receptivity: The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.

In the final law, the author writes how receiving is the natural result of giving, and how you must be gracious in receiving from others.

I don't read many business books these days but this short read was well worth the time.

😂 Funny Health Memes

Gee, thanks Doc!

🤷‍♂️ Not Funny, Unfortunate Reality

👆️This is insane. Hospitals (#2), Drugs/Cosmetic/Toiletry (#3), Health Insurance (#4), and Pharma Wholesales (#5). Absolutely ridiculous when all this $$$ is being spent but we are sicker than ever.

The fact is that the western medical model is not designed to help people get and stay healthy. It is a system designed to “treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation, and surgery.

Luckily for the people propagating this flawed model, there are millions of people who only think about their health when they get ill. These people are more than happy to walk away with a prescription that gets them “better”.

If people want to be lazy and attempt to patch up their health conditions with pharmaceutical drugs, replete with side effects, that’s their choice.

I would like to be a voice that attempts to challenge the view that your body needs western medicine to function optimally. It doesn’t.

🙋🏻‍♂️ Desensitized Human

Michael Tsarion, in his book “Disciples of the Mysterium: An Inquiry Into Selfhood”, writes about the person who fails to sense within himself a “dynamic lifeforce greater and more everlasting than his own.”:

“What about the desensitized man? He lives in his head and believes in the intelligence of his ego and brain. He thinks reality is everything apprehended by his five senses and paradoxically refuses to attribute life and intelligence to the universe that brought him into existence. The intelligence of his body has been dulled by city-living, toxic food and water, and decades of indoctrination from misguided parents and teachers. Consequently he is unable to detect the presence of the Numina [spiritual or divine forces] that moves through his being. As far as he is concerned his body is merely a vehicle allowing him to enjoy sensations and flex physical and mental muscle to control the world around him; the world he secretly knows is not of his making.”

🎤 drop

𝕏 Thread of the Week

🌎 Earthing vs. Grounding: While everyone seems to know now that connecting to the Earth, “earthing”, is a beneficial health practice, “grounding” is a bit more complicated. In this video, Ryan Blaser discusses how grounding maps, typically plugged into the ground or outlets, are not ideal because they can introduce interference and dirty electricity into our bodies.

Instead, he recommends to connect directly to the Earth by running a wire from an earthing mat outside into the ground. He also talks about the importance of turning off the circuits in the sleeping area to prevent current from flowing through out bodies when we ground ourselves.

🔬 Fake Scientific Papers Push Research Credibility to Crisis Point: This sobering article discusses the crisis that is facing the scientific community. “Medical research is being compromised, drug development hindered and promising academic research jeopardized thanks to a global wave of sham science that is sweeping laboratories and universities.”

Last year alone, over 10,000 sham papers were retracted by academic journals. Professor Dorothy Bishop of Oxford University says “The situation has become appalling… and it’s getting worse and worse.”

🍽️ Food May Just Be the Answer You Were Looking For: I enjoyed this article by Julian Saad, who advocates for the cultivation of shared meal experiences as a simple yet powerful way to foster deeper connections and enrich relationships. Julian writes that “the best way to engage is to simply disengage”, and that this can easily be achieved by eating with company.

💤 Poor Sleep May Increase Markers of Poor Brain Health: In a large neuroimaging study that examined the brains of 40,000 asymptomatic middle-aged adults, researchers at Yale School of Medicine found that “suboptimal sleep duration is significantly correlated with silent brain injuries that clinicians know to foreshadow stroke and dementia years before their onset.” Santiago Clocchiatti-Tuozzo, MD and first author of the study, concluded “These findings add to the mounting evidence that sleep is a prime pillar of brain health.”

🔗 One Hitters

📚 33 Life-changing books summarized in 20 minutes (Video)

💭 The probability of living authentically decreases when your lifestyle revolves solely around work and recreation. (Tweet)

🏃 High-intensity interval training can make you age in reverse (Study)

💵 The “American Dream” not costs $3.4 million. (Tweet)

💬 “As little as one or two teaspoonfuls of coconut oil per day appears to have a strong protective effect against obesity and cancer.” - Ray Peat (Quote)

🤒 A fever is how your body heals, stop trying to reduce it (Article)

💬 “‘Learning more’ is the most seductive form of procrastination. ‘Planning more’ is the second most’” (Tweet)

💼 Work on high-leverage projects or do nothing: All the stuff that falls in the middle is what eats you alive and gives rise to a ‘busy’ but unproductive life. (Tweet)

📅 My Scheduling Page: Go here to book a 15-minute free call to chat about anything you want.

✔️ That will do it for this time! Hopefully you got some value out of it. If you have any questions/comments/things you’d like to learn more about please don’t hesitate to reach out.

🔗 If you know anyone who loves learning about these types of topics, send them this link!

📰 To read all past newsletters, go here.

“A "sannyasin"...a solitary being, a wanderer, absolutely happy in his aloneness. If somebody walks by his side it is okay, it is good. If somebody leaves it is also okay, it is good. He never waits for anybody, and he never looks back. Alone, he is whole.

Osho, describing myself