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- The SHN #39: The Energy Codes, Metabolism, and Introspection
The SHN #39: The Energy Codes, Metabolism, and Introspection
Plus: Sauna, Holistic Home-Building, Shoe Rec's, and More

We must live not just in our head, but rather in our whole system: mind, body, and breath combined. We need to become embodied.
Welcome back to The Synergetic Health Newsletter!
In this edition, we’ll explore Sue Morter’s “Energy Codes”.
After that, where to start with Ray Peat’s work?
Then comes holistic considerations for home-building, introspection, sauna therapy, shoe recommendations, and more!
Joe Burt
🔌 The Energy Codes
In Dr. Sue Morter’s book “The Energy Codes”, a detailed roadmap is given to “help you activate previously untapped energy and neurocircuitry within the body.”
Using simple tools like breathwork, yoga sequences, and meditation, Morter has developed an accessible system to get in contact with the pure energy of your being.
I highlighted almost 50 pages of notes from her book and would easily recommend it to anyone looking for a manual to get “embodied”, to get in touch with their energetic nature. This is a necessary step to finding the truth of who you are, the truth that goes beyond the ego self.
“We are energy. Our matter, mind, and thoughts are energy. Our flesh and bones are energy. We are integrated, multidimensional beings made of pure energy. And the degree to which we know this truth about ourselves is the degree to which we live either in pain or in bliss.” -Sue Morter
Here are Dr. Morter’s Five Truths
1) Everything is energy
2) Your life is a reflection of your energy
3) You are the creator of your life
4) Your creation— your life— is always expanding
5) The purpose of life is to discover your creatorship
While I have seen some of the practices mentioned in slightly different language in the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Yogananda, R.J. Spina, and others, Morter’s instructions hit me more directly.

A key practice taught by Morter is the Central Channel Breath:
1. Start with your anchor points—lifting the pelvic floor in mūla bandha, squeezing the heart as if doing a bench press, Darth Vader–style in-the-throat breath, and momentary tension behind the eyes. (watch the “Anchor Points” video in this link if you are confused)
2. Take your attention up above your head—about six inches—and inhale from there. Initially, it may help to visualize a white or golden ball of light with the breath, so feel free to give that a try. (Ultimately, though, you want to realize that you are the ball of light, so you can feel yourself moving down through the top of your head and through your own central channel—as if you are in the elevator going down to the basement floor—rather than seeing it from an external focal point.)
3. Inhale all the way down through the channel, into your belly, keeping your anchor points squeezed as best you can. Extend your belly on the inhale.
4. Exhale from the belly, straight down through mūla bandha (root chakra area) and into the earth, still squeezing your four anchor points. Retract your belly toward the spine on the exhale.
5. Now reverse the action: draw a breath from within the earth up through mūla bandha into the belly. As you exhale, feel yourself as the energy flows up through the shaft of the central channel and out the top of the head.
Repeat the whole cycle. Note that a complete cycle includes two full breaths: one inhale starting from the top, six inches above your head into the heart/belly/core space, followed by an exhale down into the earth; and one inhale into the heart/belly/core space from the earth, followed by an exhale out the top of the head.
If you don’t want to read the whole book you can go to her webpage of book support materials, where she has many videos describing the practices outlined. I highly recommend trying these out, starting with the two videos on the anchoring code page.
You can listen to Dr. Morter on the Inspired Evolution podcast and the Guy Lawrence podcast, learn more about her on her website, follow her on IG, and subscribe to her YouTube channel.
Holistic Things to Consider when Finding a New Place to Live
Local EMF sources (mobile towers)
Traffic / Pollution / Noise
Angles of direct Sunlight (throughout the year)
Water quality
Materials of the House
Access to Farmers Markets
Local Government Politicswhat else?
— 𓄀 🌞 Sol Brah 🌞 𓄀 (@SolBrah)
7:47 PM • Feb 18, 2024
This is a pretty good list IMO.
To search for antennas, you can go to this website, and see if you live near or are considering living near potential high EMF areas.
I would add proximity to nature, walkability, cost, and close access to a like-minded community to this list.
🧠 Where to Start With Ray Peat’s Work
Back on the newsletter is Dr. Ray Peat and the bioenergetic philosophy. Today I will summarize some key takeaways from Danny Roddy’s video “Where to Start with Ray Peat’s Work?”.
In the video, Roddy reiterates Peat’s main goal:
“Keeping metabolic rate up is the main thing and there are lots of ways to do it.” -Peat, 2015
Let’s review some key definitions:
Metabolism: the aggregation of all cellular activity in the body
Stress: occurs when cellular energy cannot meet environmental demands
When someone has chronic stress, their metabolism drops.
Therefore, the goal of implementing a bioenergetic lifestyle is to keep your metabolic rate high by focusing on stimulatory metabolic activities and lowering stressful ones.
Here are some activities that stimulate the metabolism, according to Roddy:
-A stimulating life
-Meaningful work
-Good conversations
-Concentric exercise
-Bowel movements
-Thyroid Hormone
-Reducing EMF
-Vitamin D
How do you know if your metabolic rate is sufficient? Take your underarm temperature every morning. Write it down and track over time. Ideally, it is at least 97.8 degrees first thing and rises to 98.6 by early afternoon. I have also heard it’s best to keep the thermometer under your arm for 10 minutes before taking the initial reading, to improve accuracy.
If your temperature remains below these standards, try implementing one or more of the above list and then see how your body responds over time via the AM temp reading.
🤔 Who Are You?
“The philosophical questioning process is the hallmark of a mind finally attending to the great work – the reason for its existence. The awakening of man begins when his mind is driven to question its own nature and existence.” -Michael Tsarion
Have your ever asked yourself these questions?
Who am I?
Why are things the way they are?
Does God exist?
Where am I going?
What am I doing here?
What makes people tick?
While I don’t know the answers, I can assure you that they will not be found reading this newsletter, scrolling your social media feeds, or chatting with your friends.
Furthermore, having opinions on these or other subjects does not equal true understanding of said subject.
The most common form of despair is not being who you are.
The search for Truth, as outlined by countless traditions throughout the ages, is an uniquely singular one. It can only be found by an individual consciousness, and therefore cannot be given to another.
Like the Buddha said, “Do not mistake the finger for the moon.”

“Damnit, stop looking at my finger!”
Let’s be honest— if you never truly comprehended your existence, the reason why you are here, who you truly are, have you truly lived?
Or have you morphed into a composite of inherited beliefs and societal constructs, shaped by ideas and perceptions since birth?
Do you prefer to be told who you are by your parents, teachers, authority figures, experts, and friends? Do you avoid introspection altogether by blindly trusting a God or gods who make you sleep better at night?
The man who chooses to exist in conformity to his own distorted image of himself, or as others perceive him to be, lives inauthentically.
Sure, it would be nice if you could sign up for an online webinar and be shown the answers to these questions. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that.
Consider this me pointing to the moon.
𝕏 Thread of the Week
Sauna therapy is a game changer for health
Sauna has many protective health benefits and appears to even offset the higher risk of all-cause mortality related to lower socioeconomic status, high blood pressure, and high inflammation levels
PMID: 37270272
— Siim Land (@siimland)
11:58 AM • Feb 19, 2024
👟 PRI Recommended Shoe List: The biggest bang-for-your-buck movement education organization that I found in my years in the physical culture world is the Postural Restoration Institute (PRI). They frequently update their recommended shoe listings, which includes shoes that ensure you can “maintain an appropriate, neutral position while you stand and walk.” More on PRI to come in the future.
😴 The Art of Deep Rest: On this episode of “The Human Upgrade” podcast, Tracee Stanley discusses the practice of Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation and healing. Similar to my NuCalm sessions, this practice has been found to reduce stress, enhance memory and recall, and promote overall well-being. Here’s a guided 20-minute session to try.
☢️ Chemical Phthalates Linked with Lower IQ in Kids: Researchers are saying “kids whose moms had the highest levels of certain chemicals in their bodies during pregnancy had markedly lower IQs at age 7.” I wrote about how these phthalates (found in plastics) are terrible for your health in several newsletters, including this one.
📱 Cell Phone Use Causes Cancer In Rats: The National Toxicology Program (a division of U.S. Dep’t of Health and Human Services) conducted a two-year toxicology study in rats and mice to look at health hazards from cell phone use. They found that exposure to high levels of RFR had “clear evidence of an association with tumors in the hearts of male rats.”
This study was done with 2G and 3G cell service, so imagine how it would be with 5G. EMF’s are a problem and it is not talked about enough. Please don’t talk with your phone next to your head, ever. Use speakerphone, wired headphones, or better yet, Airtube headphones.
🔗 One Hitters
⛪ Religion as we know it directs us away from Selfhood, away from the world and the physical universe which it considers illusionary. -Michael Tsarion
👶🏻 The severity of change in birth rates is shocking (Tweet)
💭 “To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being; to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world.” -Rudolf Steiner
🤯 It’s a rude awakening when you realize a random internet schizo has spent more hours studying nutrition, biochemistry and molecular biology in the last week than your primary care physician did during their entire time in med school. (Tweet)
🥷🏿 “Shadow work is getting the f*ck away from the crowd.” (Clip)
🍄 “The problem with psychedelics is that they dissolve cultural programming…” -Terence McKenna (Video)
🧠 We’ve been brainwashed to believe that “peer review” is the end all be all. (Tweet)
🔥 Non-blue light emitting lights (Store)
💬 “Competing with yourself” can be summarized as learning - because what is learning, other than improving who you were before? (Tweet)
📅 My Scheduling Page: Go here to book a 15-minute free call to chat about anything.
✔️ That will do it for this time! Hopefully you got some value out of it. If you have any questions/comments/things you’d like to learn more about please don’t hesitate to reach out.
🔗 If you know anyone who loves learning about these types of topics, send them this link!
📰 To read all past newsletters, go here.