The SHN #38: Energy Routine, Simplicity, Friendship and Substances

Plus: Baby Sunbathing, Fasting, Dermatology, and More!

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Leonarda DaVinci

Welcome back to The Synergetic Health Newsletter! 

In this edition, we’ll learn about Donna Eden and her short, daily energy routine.

After that, a look at simplifying life.

Then comes friendships, Ray Peat substances, baby sunbathing, and much more.

⚡ Eden’s Daily Energy Routine

Donna Eden is a well-known figure in the field of energy medicine and holistic healing. She is an author, teacher, and pioneer who developed the Eden Energy Medicine approach, which integrates techniques from various healing traditions, including acupuncture, yoga, kinesiology, and qi gong, to promote health and well-being.

She has authored several books, including "Energy Medicine," co-authored with her husband David Feinstein, which has become a foundational text in the field of energy medicine. Eden has also created numerous instructional materials, workshops, and certification programs to train practitioners in her methods.

In energy medicine, energy is the medicine and also the patient. You are energy, as is your disease.

Donna Eden

After reading her book I did the following short “Daily Energy Routine” pretty much every day for over a year before I forgot to continue 🤷. I will start up the habit again!

You see a lot of variations of the exercises included in the protocol in the various energy healing modalities out there, so this is a great catch-all routine if you want to try your hand at self energy work.

I used to include the “Lymphatic Big 6”, mentioned in this newsletter, in between exercises 5 and 6.

You can Google “Donna Eden daily energy routine” if you want written descriptions or to have pictures/instructions so you don’t have to watch the video every time! It’s quick to learn.

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

Everything simplicity touches turns to gold

Richard Rudd

I recently wrote about the Gene Keys, a system of self-discovery and personal development.

In revisiting my own profile, I again see that “my deepest purpose is to manifest the Gift of Simplicity.

A person with this purpose in their profile wants a clean, practical life. A transformational process will lead them to simplifying every aspect of their life— both inner and outer.

Unsurprisingly, this is the gentle tug I feel from the universe in my life. To find practical, “simple” ways of living.

This doesn’t mean discovering a perfect prescription like “Do these five things to achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of”, or “This is the only morning routine you’ll ever need.”

It’s more about uncovering the essence within yourself that naturally attracts simplicity into life.

This process of lifestyle design isn't cultivated through endless scrolling on social media or indulging in podcast binges. It emerges in the pauses scattered throughout the day—the moments when we connect with the wisdom of our bodies and the universe.

These pauses allow your intuition to shine. They allow a greater intelligence than the mind to arrive on the playing field.

Within these pauses, intuition flourishes, inviting a higher intelligence beyond the confines of the mind and societal norms. From this space, new ideas and opportunities present themselves, guided by an innate sense of simplicity.

By embracing these pauses and crafting a life of simplicity, we create space for our authentic selves to fully engage with the world and embrace the opportunities it offers.

The more things you have, the more things you have to manage.

Simplicity isn’t merely cheaper, it’s easier.

James Clear

My best friends in life are often the ones I’ve either lived with and/or travelled extensively with.

If anyone wants to come travel with me, VAMOS!

💊 Ray Peat Substances Tier List

Danny Roddy is the host of The Generative Energy Podcast and is well known in the bioenergetic and pro-metabolic communities as being someone who is faithfully keeping the work of Dr. Ray Peat alive.

He has been working 1-on-1 with people for many years and has a good grasp on what things lead to optimal health. Know that many of these things are not commonly known or used in mainstream circles.

To hear Roddy give a gentle introduction to Dr. Peat, check out this video.

In a recent video, Roddy rates most of the popular substances used by people following the bioenergetic nutrition philosophy.

Overall, Roddy believes that supplements cause more problems than they solve, and that a person should be very judicious with them.

Roddy: “Supplements that I currently have confidence in.”

Please don’t use this as a reason to go out and try all these things but if you are interested, feel free to start doing some research!

Additional information on each substance is given in the video as well.

S Tier Substances (Top Tier): Vitamin D liquid supplement in olive oil, Vitamin K, Well-Cooked Mushrooms (~3hours), Milk Powder Pancakes, Aspirin, Liver, Oysters, Mexican Coke, Antibiotics, Incandescent Light Bulbs, White Sugar (only if taking enough liver and oysters), Fresh Squeezed Fruit Juices, Cascara (Farmalabor), Olive Oil (not to cook with though), Fresh Tropical Fruits, Fancy French Cheeses

A Tier: Coffee, Milk, Homemade Grounding Pad, Eggshell Calcium, Food Based Gelatin (gelatinous meats, etc), Progesterone (S tier for women), Supplemental Thyroid Hormones (takes time to get right dose, Negative Ion Generator

B Tier: Cyproheptadine, Carrot Salad (he prefers well-cooked mushrooms), Niacinamide, Vitamin B1

C Tier: Lidocaine, Gelatin Powder, DHEA, Methylene Blue

D Tier: Vitamin A, Blood Donation, Pregnenolone

My Takeaways

I need to eat more liver and oysters.

Here in Argentina I have been drinking a lot of store bought OJ but I will try to make an effort to find more fresh squeezed juices.

I also will make an effort to eat well-cooked mushrooms (info and recipe), more cheeses like Parmigiano Reggiano, take aspirin regularly, and try out milk powder pancakes (recipe here).

Low Hanging Fruit

If this way of looking at nutrition and wellness is intriguing but you do not have the time to do a bunch of research, consider trying just a couple things and see how it makes you feel.

For example, commit to eating ½ dozen oysters and 4oz. of grass-fed liver every week.

Or experiment with a daily dose of Aspirin taken with Vitamin K.

Or perhaps try replacing your entire vegetable intake with only well-cooked white button mushrooms for a period of time.

I would love to hear from you if you do decide to experiment!

𝕏 Thread of the Week

💼 An Anecdote for Lowering Work Morale: Heinrich Boll's "Anecdote for Lowering Work Morale" is a parable critiquing the modern work ethic, written in 1963. In the story, a tourist encounters a content fisherman in a European harbor and urges him to work harder to achieve wealth and success. The fisherman, however, rejects the pursuit of constant labor and accumulation, expressing satisfaction with his current life.

The tale serves as a cautionary commentary on the folly of sacrificing present contentment for the elusive promise of a more prosperous future through relentless work. Boll suggests that finding purpose and balance in the present, rather than tirelessly working for an uncertain tomorrow, is essential for a fulfilling life.

🏃 Do Fasting Combined with Cardio If You Want to Be Skinny Fat: I thought this post was interesting. It says that combining periods of fasting with cardio exercise tanks your metabolism, increases cortisol, and destroys protein tissue. Prioritizing weight training and protein consumption continues to be king. Plus you don’t have to starve yourself or do endless amount of cardio.

👨🏻‍⚕️ But Muh Dermatologist Said…… This research review finds that “there exist over 15 types of cancer for which UVB exposure and/or 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations have been found associated with reduced risk. Your dermatologist is wrong to advise you to avoid the sun. In fact, he is actively harming your health.

“People regularly exposed to daily sun have a lower risk of getting melanoma and also have a higher survival rate if they do.” (Article)

“Is Profit Behind Dermatology’s ‘Sun Scare’ Message?” (Article)

“Insufficient Sun Exposure Has Become a Real Public Health Problem” (Study)

“Sun protection: false beliefs and misguided advocacy” (Article)

“America is Getting the Science of Sun Exposure Wrong” (Article)

☀️ Sunlight Increase Performance “After 10 days of sun exposure….. the soccer players achieved better results at the 5 meter speed test and higher testosterone concentrations.” (Study)

🤯 High UV Exposure Resulted in 33% Less Bodyfat Gained While Eating a Poor Diet: In animal studies, it has been confirmed that UV radiation can limit diet-induced obesity, metabolic syndrome, and atherosclerosis. Vitamin D allocates surplus calories to muscle and growth instead of fat via modulation of myostatin and leptin signaling, which gives UV exposure the potential to prevent and treat chronic disease.

🔗 One Hitters

🧘🏻‍♀️ 20 Tenets of Integral Theory: An Intro to the Philosophical Principles of Ken Wilber (Article)

💬 “Behind your thoughts and feelings, my brother, there stands a mighty ruler. An unknown sage— whose name is self. In your body he dwells. There is more reason in your body than in your best wisdom.” -Friedrich Nietzsche (Tweet)

❤️ The reason people fall in love with Ray Peat is because his philosophy will increase your IQ. (Tweet)

🤗 Happiness is the absence of personal problems. You can remove the idea of personal, the idea of problems, or limit and solve the problems. (Tweet)

☕ No evidence of dehydration with moderate daily coffee intake (Study)

💬 "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison (Tweet)

💪 The most simplistic guide to shoulder mobility EVER. (Video)

💬 “I think people shouldn’t eat things that damage them, and should eat things that taste good and provide the essential nutrients, while making them feel good and function well; is that diet?” -Ray Peat

📅 My Scheduling Page: Go here to book a 15-minute free call to chat.

✔️ That will do it for this time! Hopefully you got some value out of it. If you have any questions/comments/things you’d like to learn more about please don’t hesitate to reach out.

🔗 If you know anyone who loves learning about these types of topics, send them this link!

📰 To read all past newsletters, go here.